New releases
Award-winning documentary film producer Sally Rosenthal pens a fun tale about a
group of frogs who assist Minnie Feinsilver when she drops her pot of matzo
ball soup in “Matzo Frogs.” Since Minnie had to help a friend with a broken
leg, she losses her Shabbat meal and her cousins are due that evening. The
neighborhood frogs hear of her predicament and decide to help out, putting
together matzo ball soup following Minnie’s kosher recipe. They even throw in
some matzo in the shape of a frog, which tips Minnie off on who made the soup.
In payment , Minnie leaves a bowl on the window that night. David Sheldon
illustrates the charming book about Jewish traditions told in an unusual way.
author Laura Childs travels to New Orleans during Halloween for No. 12 in her
Scrapbook Mystery series. Scrapbook maven Carmela Bertrand discovers the owner
of Oddities Antiques murdered and a Napoleon death mask stolen in “GossamerGhost.” In addition to a good mystery, there are scrapbooking tips and New
Orleans-style recipes.
Iberia librarian and romance author Lynn Shur has published several new romances,
the latest “Always Yellow Roses,” released this week. The book concerns a feud
between the Courville and Niles families in the 19th century. More
than 100 years later, reincarnated lovers are destined to end the feud with
their marriage but hatred still flares between the two families.
McMichael Reese has authored “New Orleans Under Reconstruction: The Crisis of
Planning” with contributors, looking at the variety of responses from
politicians, writers, architects and planners in the restoration of New Orleans
and examining how to plan for the future. She and several contributors will
discuss and sign the book at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 4, at the Garden District Book Shop
in New Orleans.
Lafayette Gazette
Lafayette Gazette newspaper was established in 1893, representing a faction of
the Democratic Party opposed to the Democractic Party view of the Lafayette
Advertiser. The weekly paper was published on Saturdays and existed until 1908,
when it merged with the Advertiser. The
original bound papers were kept intact by Jeanne Mouton Jeanmard and William H.
Mouton and will be donated to the Special Collections Archives of UL’s Edith
Garland Dupre Library at 10 a.m. Friday in the Jefferson Caffery Reading Room.
Digital scans of the Gazette can viewed online here.
Friends of the Lafayette Library have chosen award-winning newspaper columnist
Rheta Grimsley Johnson to the Friends’ annual Author Dinner. Johnson is the
author of “Poor Man’s Provence: Finding Myself in Cajun Louisiana” and
“Enchanted Evening Barbie and the Second Coming.” The dinner will be from 6:30
p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 30, at the Petroleum Club. For information or to
order tickets, call 984-8661.
Fearless Voices
Voices of the Struggle: A Spoken Word Stage Play,” directed by Tony Wilson,
features a cast of spoken word artists, writers and performers collaborating on
this exhibit of activism through art that tackles themes such as sexual
assault, relationships, religion and racism. The performance begins at 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 6, at UL’s Burke Hall. Tickets are $15.
Library cards
is Library Card Sign-Up Month, a time to remind people that enjoying your local
library is the best value imaginable. Library cards are free and are the
gateway to wonderful services, such as computer usage, study rooms, videos,
music, downloadable materials and so much more. Of course, it’s also filled
with wonderful books. All you need is a form of ID and this magical kingdom is
yours. What are you waiting for?
Book events
Simpson Smith of Jackson, Miss., will sign copies of her debut novel, “TheStory of Land and Sea,” at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 3, at Maple Street Book Shops in New
Orleans and at 6 p.m. Thursday at Octavia Books in New Orleans. Smith has
been working as an adjunct professor at Tulane University and is the author
of “We Have Raised All of You: Motherhood in the South, 1750-1835.”
Downing will perform a concert at the New Orleans Jazz National
Historical Park Visitor’s Center from 11 a.m. to noon Friday, Sept. 5, with a booksigning
to follow at noon at A Tisket a Tasket on Decatur Street in New Orleans.
Stewart and Susan Mustafa sign “The Most Dangerous Animal of All: Searching for My Father... and Finding the Zodiac Killer” at 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 6, at Barnes &
Noble, 5705 Johnston St, in Lafayette.
Bayouland Storytellers Guild of Southwest Louisiana present folktales and fairy
tales for ages 4-12 at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 6, at the South Regional Library.
Donations of canned fruit and vegetables will be accepted, to benefit the
Council on Aging-Meals on Wheels Program.
Free Expressions Seminars and Literary Services will offer a “Writing the
Breakout Novel Intensive Seminar” Sept. 15-21 at the Whispering Woods Hotel and
Conference Center in Olive Branch, Miss. Literary agent Donald Maass,
author of the “Writing the Breakout Novel,” will teach daily classes. Registration
is limited to 35 students. For information, visit http://www.free-expressions.com.
Cheré Coen is the author
of “Haunted Lafayette, Louisiana,” and “Exploring Cajun Country: A Historic
Guide to Acadiana” and “Forest Hill, Louisiana: A Bloom Town History” from The
History Press, and co-author of “Magic’s in the Bag: Creating Spellbinding Gris
Gris Bags and Sachets.” Write her at cherecoen@gmail.com.
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