The Louisiana Center for the Book in the State
Library will host five WordShops on Friday, Oct. 31, in Baton Rouge, the day
before the Louisiana Book Festival.
of Southern Writers member Jill McCorkle, author of four story collections and
six novels, presents “Finding the Story,” a fiction workshop focusing on
showing and telling the story one has always wanted to write.
Dunn, a genre-busting novelist, leads young writers in “Breaking the Rules: A
Teen Writing Workshop for the Creatively Hyperactive,” an exploration of the non-traditional
ways of expressing oneself with language.
artist Barbara Slate guides attendees on how to write and draw comic books and
graphic novels as she presents “You Can Do a Graphic Novel.”
Poet Laureate Ava Leavell Haymon presents “Making Poems out of Your Own
Experience” through translating memories into poems. Haymon has published four
poetry collections. She also edits the LSU Press Barataria Poetry Series.
Earl Swift, author of five books of narrative nonfiction, presents “The Lovely
Bones: On Organizing Your Research and Writing,” offering strategies for
organizing field notes, interview transcripts and documentary research.
additional information or to register for WordShops, call (225) 219-9503 or
New releases

Pitre of New Orleans, a former Marine, has published a debut novel of war
titled “Fives and Twenty-Fives.” Kirkus labeled the novel “one of the
definitive renderings of the Iraq experience.” The title refers to the rule
of war where soldiers must scan five meters, then sweep twenty-five meters
when investigating a possible roadside bomb. Pitre is a graduate of LSU
where he was a double major in history and creative writing. He will be
signing books at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Octavia Books in New Orleans. To watch a
trailer for the book, visit
Cheré Coen is the author
of “Haunted Lafayette, Louisiana” and “Exploring Cajun Country: A Historic
Guide to Acadiana,” both from The History Press, and co-author of “Magic’s
in the Bag: Creating Spellbinding Gris Gris Bags and Sachets.” Her next
book is “Forest Hill, Louisiana: A Bloom Town History.” Write her at
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