Louisiana Author Cherie Claire

Saturday, February 9, 2019

For Valentine's Day, try Thibodeaux's 'Love in Season'

Today’s Louisiana Book News guest blogger is Pamela S. Thibodeaux, a multi-published author from Louisiana who describes her books as "Inspirational with an edge."

Love in Season
For quite some time I wanted to put together a collection of short stories that centered around the four seasons and four holidays that focus on love and family — Valentine's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since I already had several stories at Pelican Book Group, I mentioned this idea to my editor, the amazing Nicola Martinez, and she loved it. I submitted two previously unpublished stories to round out the collection, along with those PBG had already published, and viola! “Love in Season” was born.

Look closely at the cover….

I had been in Florida for the Citrus Bowl and while there, I visited Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World with my family. One of the most breathtaking sights is the Tree of Life/garden. Within the trunk of this huge tree are carvings of every kind of animal. You can view it from any angle and take a dozen different pictures and each time see something more and/or different.

What does this have to do with a book cover?

I’ve always admired the covers Pelican Book Group creates for its titles and when I first received the cover for “Love in Season” I thought, “How sweet.” But a closer look revealed a whole lot more than a couple on a bench in front of a lovely tree. Spring, summer, fall and winter are all depicted within the leaves and branches of this tree. It takes an amazing eye for detail to pick something like this for a book cover. Thanks to Nicola Martinez for creating such as beautiful work of art for my collection of romantic short stories.

“Love in Season” releases on Valentine’s Day but you can pre-order the book from Pelican Book Group and Amazon.

Louisiana Book News is written by award-winning author Chere Dastugue Coen, who writes Louisiana romances and mysteries under the pen name of Cherie Claire. Her first book in each series is FREE to download as an ebook, including "Emilie," book one of The Cajun Series, "Ticket to Paradise," book one of The Cajun Embassy series and "A Ghost of a Chance," the first Viola Valentine mystery.


  1. What a lovely idea to create a collection of stories based on the seasons! Yes, the cover is lovely, and I enjoy the story of The Tree of Life. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. thank you Patricia for dropping by! I pray everyone who reads the stories enjoy them.

  2. Love how you pulled together all four seasons and highlighted the love of family in short story. Also great to see this book being promoted by your home state!

    1. Thanks Mary! Chere has always been great at promoting LA authors!
      Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Love In Season sounds so cool! What a lovely idea! Spring would be my favorite season, and I look forward to reading the story that takes place then. Enjoyed the post! And the cover is pretty!

    1. Late Spring, early Summer and early fall are my favorite seasons, Kara...NOT a Winter persona at all!
      Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Thanks for the wonderful blog about Pamela.

  5. Sounds like such a fun anthology, Pam. Can't wait to read it. And you're right about the cover. I absolutely love it!

  6. I enjoy the different seasons. Can't wait to read your stories, Pam.

  7. I enjoy most of the seasons...not a Winter person though
    THANKS, Barbara for stopping by!

  8. I love the cover art of Pam's new book as well. It's striking. I look forward to reading it.

    1. Thanks Jacqueline!
      I was truly impressed when I took that second look

  9. Fantastic cover, Pam. The collection sound so interesting.

    1. Thanks Diane!
      It's exciting to know my previously published short stories that were Ebook only are now in print as part of this collection.

  10. Pam,
    Love the idea of love for all seasons and the book cover!

    1. Thanks Mary!
      I pray everyone who reads the book is blessed!

  11. That's such a clever idea and a beautiful cover with its hidden meanings. I actually just walked in the door after spending a few days in Disney. We didn't go to the Animal Kingdom this time, but I remember that tree from our last visit. Now you've made me see it in a new light.

    1. Oh wow Hannah, so glad you had a chance to visit the Tree of Life on your last trip to Disney. It is something everyone should do!
      Thanks for your comments on the cover. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

      Thanks for dropping by!
