Louisiana Author Cherie Claire

Monday, January 14, 2019

Cherie Claire's 'A Cajun Dream' chosen for Lauren Royal's book club, Jan. 28 Mardi Gras-themed party

Do you love historical romance, Cajun stories and Mardi Gras parties? Then you won't want to miss this wonderful opportunity for a free novel and a fun festivity.
Best-selling author Lauren Royal has chosen Louisiana author Cherie Claire's "A Cajun Dream," part of Claire's award-winning Cajun Series of historical romances, as the January book for her Chase Family Readers Group
For the followers of Royal's Facebook page (and it's easy to join, simply join the page), you can download Claire’s book for FREE. The download link is on the page.
Then mark your calendar for the Mardi Gras-themed Book Club party, which will take place on the Chase Family Readers Group Facebook page on Monday, Jan. 28! Costumes welcome so get looking for that fabulous 19th century Carnival attire.

"A Cajun Dream" is part of the six-book Cajun Series. 

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