Louisiana Author Cherie Claire

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Louisiana's Addie Broussard pens adorable children's book about a unique Portugal bug, offers giveaway

Louisiana author Addie Broussard was visiting Portugal when she discovered a fascinating little insect furiously digging in the sand. It resembled a bee but dug like a dog. Watching the insect, she came up with a fun children’s book idea.

The book follows Cora and schoolmate Manny traveling to the Praia do Carvalho beach in Portugal where after creating a sandcastle that resembles their cat, they discover an insect they dub the “Beedog.” Once they return home, they search online and find out the insect’s origins. The two share their findings in school the next day.

“Beedog,” with charming illustrations by Joyeeta Neogi, explain how children can spot insects, research them on the internet using identification techniques and offers more information on the sand wasp, as well as other wasps, in the back of the book. There are also two printable resources included in the book and a link to a video of a live sand wasp doing his thing and yes, he does dig like a dog.
This entertaining and educational book for children ages 4-8 has received great reviews and been a hot seller on Amazon. It’s also a handy complement to STEM education and home-school projects.

And...Addie is giving away a signed copy of the book, a bug kit and a Frisbee. Enter the contest here.

About the author
Addie Broussard is an avid traveler, and once went on a solo journey to 15 countries in one year. When she encounters something unique, she writes about it. Addie began her writing journey when she was just nine years old, with a book called "Doggienauts." That book has been updated and is set for publication in 2018. Addie is currently a full-time traveler and she considers home where her suitcase is.

About the illustrator, Joyeeta Neogi
Joyeeta Neogi is a children’s book illustrator who has worked with international authors and publishers. Her engagement with worldwide clients and multicultural themes has allowed her to create captivating original animal and child characters. Her art captures the expressions, movements and vibrancy of life within simple compositions to bring the author’s story to life. In her free time, Joyeeta is busy with painting and music. She loves to paint in oil and acrylic and has also developed a passion for watercolor.

For more information on Broussard and her books, visit http://twoumbrellasplease.com/.

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