Lewis, a native of Grand Coteau, will discuss her late father, Floyd Lewis, a former police officer of Grand Coteau.
The Baton Rouge Slam Team (Eclectic Truth) consists of four spoken word poets who competed for spots on the team. The group includes Brittany Marshall, Alekandro, Chelsea Lynn Murray and Shannon Kathleen. At their annual Grand Coteau performance, Eclectic Truth will hone their spoken word skills in preparation for a national poetry slam championship tournament, which takes place in August, in Denver, Colo. It is also a “friend-raiser” for the team. The performers appreciate the public’s encouragement and support; if visitors have a little spare change to help them in their travels, that is appreciated also.
The oral history presentation will be videotaped and placed in the Cajun and Creole Archives at the Center for Louisiana Studies in the “Grand Coteau Voices” collection.
The public is welcome to bring their own poems, songs or stories for the open mic. This free, community event is suitable for all ages and is sponsored by The Festival of Words Cultural Arts Collective with support from the Center for Louisiana Studies at UL. The venue is made available through the generosity of Chicory’s Coffee & Cafe. For more information call Patrice (337) 254-9695 or festivalwords@gmail.com.
Cheré Coen is the author of “Forest Hill, Louisiana: A Bloom Town History,” “Haunted Lafayette, Louisiana” and “Exploring Cajun Country.” She writes Louisiana romances under the pen name of Cherie Claire. Write her at cherecoen@gmail.com.
Cheré Coen is the author of “Forest Hill, Louisiana: A Bloom Town History,” “Haunted Lafayette, Louisiana” and “Exploring Cajun Country.” She writes Louisiana romances under the pen name of Cherie Claire. Write her at cherecoen@gmail.com.
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