Louisiana Author Cherie Claire

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Ernest Gaines Summer Institue encourages scholarship of Gaines' work, Southern literature

      The Ernest J. Gaines Center at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette became a part of a cohort of National Endowment of the Humanities grant recipients hosting a summer institute. Titled “Ernest J. Gaines and the Southern Experience,” the month-long institute encourages further scholarship of Gaines’ work beyond the lens of African American Literature. This interdisciplinary institute is open to all university and college teaching faculty and graduate students. Each participant will receive a $3,300 stipend for participating and will have the opportunity to work with leading academics on the work of Gaines and Southern literature. The deadline for applications is March 1. For more information, visit https://ernestgaines.ucs.louisiana.edu/summerscholar,

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