book sports a sarcastic look at both Berkeley and its overt liberalism until
the story moves to small-town Georgia with its Confederate flags, segregated
neighborhoods and Waffle Houses. When D’aron lets it slip in his alternative
history class that his hometown hosts an annual Civil War re-enactment, one of
his friends, known as the “4 little Indians,” suggests a “performance
intervention” in protest. The incident takes a tragic turn, spurring the story
down a darker road and showcasing prejudices in its many forms.
is a native of New Orleans who now lives in Berkeley, directs the UC Berkeley
Summer Creative Writing Program, where he received his masters degree, and
teaches at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where he received his MFA. His first
novel, “Hold It ‘Til It Hurts,” was a finalist for the 203 PEN/Faulkner Award
for fiction.
to Braggsville” veers effortlessly from humor to tragedy in its evocatively
written pages, leaving ideas to ponder long after the book is finished. I was
exhausted by the time I read the last page, but thought about the tale for
days. It’s a richly crafted story and, as author Wiley Cash remarked, the “most
powerful form of satire; it sets fire to your brain while expanding your
New releases
I decided to drop pounds at New Year’s I was also determined to eat better. I’m
no stranger to healthy eating but wanted to take the challenge a few steps
further. Stefanie Sacks’ “What the Fork Are You Eating?: An Action Plan for
Your Pantry and Plate” was just the ticket, a handy explanation of exactly
what’s in our foods today. The book contains information on artificial flavors,
sugars, pesticides used in food production — you name it. I especially
appreciated the label explanation (quite an eye opener) and how to better shop
for food in grocery stores (hint: buy food at farmer’s markets). Haven’t gotten
to the healthy recipes yet, but that’s next on my list.
in paperback is Doug Seroff and Lynn Abbott’s “To Do This, You Must Know How:
Music Pegagogy in the Black Gospel Quartet Tradition,” published by the
University of Mississippi Press. Abbott works for the Hogan Jazz Archive at
Powell Kennedy of New Orleans has published “Between Distant Modernities:
Performing Exceptionality in Francoist Spain and the Jim Crow South.” Kennedy
is a lecturer in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Tulane.
E. Jackson Jr. of Lafayette has published his life story titled “Out of the
Darkness.” Jackson donates his inspirational story to prisons and
rehabilitation centers. For more information, visit www.resminstries.org.
Douglas has updated his book, “Finding Octave: The Untold Story of Two Creole
Families and Slavery in Louisiana,” that’s available on amazon.com and on Kindle books. “The
updated book contains additional information and documentation about several of
our ancient relatives,” Douglas said. “It also contains several new pictures
kindly shared by Marianne Haynes.”
Nelson Warner has published “The Bridge: Stories of the Church Body Becoming
the Living Proof of a Loving God in its Hurting Urban Neighborhood,” an
accumulation of short stories that describe his journey into the poorest
neighborhoods in Lafayette. The book is published through LifeWay Book’s
Crossroad Publisher and is available online at Amazon or at Barnes & Noble.
All proceeds go to Bridge Ministry of Acadiana.
and her family have just relocated in Carrie Simon’s Christian novel, “Save
Them All.” But the quiet town they had hoped for with its charm and Southern
hospitality hides a dark secret. When Ayla begins having unexplained dreams, they
lead her to a boy in serious danger. Her journey will ultimately destroy the
town or rally it together.
HNOC symposium
Historic New Orleans Collection, the Library of Virginia, and the UNO Midlo
Center for New Orleans Studies with support from the National Endowment for the
Humanities hosts “To Be Sold: The American Slave Trade from Virginia to New
Orleans,” a daylong symposium Saturday at the THNOC’s
Williams Research Center in New Orleans and the Library of Virginia via
broadcast. Speakers include both Virginia and New Orleans historians, many of
which are authors. Admission
is free and guests must register in advance to attend the live sessions. To
register for the program in New Orleans, call (504) 523-4662 or email wrc@hnoc.org. To watch the program live online,
visit www.hnoc.org/tobesold.html.
HNOC also presents “Purchased Lives: New Orleans the Domestic Slave Trade,” a
free exhibition, beginning Tuesday and running through July 18 which examines
the individuals involved in the trade and New Orleans’s role. Erin M.
Greenwald, a historian at The Historic New Orleans Collection, curated the
display, which includes period broadsides, paintings and prints illustrating
the domestic slave trade, ship manifests and first-person accounts from slave
narratives and oral histories.
Book events
be signing copies of my book, “Forest Hill, Louisiana: A Bloom Town History” from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the Louisiana Nursery Festival in Forest Hill. Look for me at a
table next to festival organizers.
Walsh signs and discusses his debut novel “My Sunshine Away” in a joint event
with David Joy, author of “Where
the Light Tends to Go,” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at Octavia Books, 513 Octavia St.
in New Orleans.
Crone discusses “The Ice Garden” at 7 p.m. Tuesday at East Bank Regional
Library in Metairie. Also at the library this week, Renee Austell will discuss
her book about corporate mayhem and murder titled “Royal and St. Louis” at 7
p.m. Thursday.
and Mary Perrin, editors of “Acadie Then and Now: A People’s History,” will
speak about their new book at Tuesday at Nichols States and Friday at the
Louisiana State Archives in Baton Rouge.
Horack signs “The Other Joseph” at 6 p.m. Wednesday at Garden District Book
Shop in New Orleans.
Rochester will sign copies of her latest book “Mellow Yellow Dead Red” from 2
p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Bra La Vie, 221 West Thomas St. in Hammond.
Rochester wrote me, “Since Book III opens with a fun run in costumes, the
Zanies will be out in force. Best costume wins a copy of the book. Oh, and
everyone who buys the book at the signing will get a special surprise.”
The Jane Austen Literary Festival will be Saturday and Sunday, March 21-22, in Old Mandeville. Janeaustenfestival.org.
The Jane Austen Literary Festival will be Saturday and Sunday, March 21-22, in Old Mandeville. Janeaustenfestival.org.
Louisiana Book News is written by
Cheré Coen, the author of “Forest Hill, Louisiana: A Bloom
Town History,” “Haunted Lafayette, Louisiana” and “ExploringCajun Country: A
Historic Guide to Acadiana” and co-author of “Magic’s in the Bag: Creating Spellbinding
Gris Gris Bags and Sachets.” Write her at cherecoen@gmail.com.
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