2014 Tennessee Williams New Orleans Literary Festival Fiction Contest announced
its winners. The finalists, all of whom will receive a pass to this year’s
festival, are: Elysha Chang, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Rebecca Foust, Ross, Calif.; Margarite
Landry, Southborough, Mass.; Frank Meola, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Oreathia Smith,
Pearlington, Miss.; and Rachel Unkefer, Charlottesville, Va.
First Runner-Up is Colleen Morrissey with her submission “Loveland.” The Grand
Prize Winner is Christine Fadden for her story “Little League Girls!” Fadden
has lived in a dozen states and a few foreign countries. Her fiction and
nonfiction have been published in the American Literary Review, Gulf Coast,
Painted Bride Quarterly, Storyglossia, PANK, The Louisville Review, and
elsewhere. She is a graduate of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson
League Girls” will be published in a future issue of Louisiana Cultural Vistas
magazine, and Fadden will receive a flight to New Orleans, a public reading at the
festival and $1,500. Fadden will also read from the short story at 10 a.m.
Friday, March 21, at the Hotel Monteleone’s Queen Anne Ballroom in New Orleans. The
annual festival is March 19-23 in New Orleans. For information, visit
New releases

John H. Stibbs, the 30-year Dean of Students at Tulane University, wrote a memoir that was discovered in 2010 by John Edgar Browning, a PhD student at State University of New York at Buffalo. After gaining permission from the Stibbs heirs, Browning edited and annotated the memoir with news clippings, documents and photos to showcase Tulane University at mid-century. “A Quarter Century of Student Life at Tulane: A Dean's Narrative History 1949-1975” sells for $22 and is available through Margaret Media, a Louisiana publisher, at
Book news
York Times and USA Today bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries has sold three
Regency romances to Pocket, finishing out her “Duke’s Men” series and starting
a new one. The former New Orleans novelist has also sold a Christmas novella to
Domingue of Lafayette’s latest book, “The Mapmaker’s War,” part one of the
“Keeper of Tales” trilogy, is now in paperback.
Library Book Sale
Friends of the Lafayette Public Library Spring Book Sale will be March 20-22 at
the Heymann Convention Center Ballroom but the corresponding auction, where the
public may bid on quality books, will be now through March 31 at South Regional
Branch Library. Donations are also still being accepted for the annual spring
book sale. For information, call 501-9209.
Book events
and Warren Perrin will discuss their forthcoming book, “Acadia Then and Now: a
People’s History,” at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 9, at the Alexander Mouton House/Lafayette
Museum in downtown Lafayette.
G. Gauthreaux signs and discusses “Italian Louisiana: History, Heritage &
Tradition” from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 12, at Louisiana's Old State Capitol,
100 North Blvd. in Baton Rouge.
Jeanerette Bicentennial Park and Museum will host a history talk, “Violent
Louisiana: Chaos After the Civil War” by UL-Lafayette Professor Michael Martin
at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 12, at 500 E. Main St. in Jeanerette. The talk will discuss the
period from the end of the Civil War until the early twentieth century, one of
the most violent eras in Louisiana's history.
honor of National Quilting Day, March 16, the Quilters’ Guild Acadienne will
showcase more than 50 quilts and host live quilting demonstrations from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 15 and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 16, at the Alexandre
Mouton House/ Lafayete Museum in downtown Lafayette. Speakers on Sunday will
discuss topics including quilts in the Underground Railroad and the history of
quilts in America. The event is free.
Cheré Coen is the author
of “Haunted Lafayette, Louisiana” and “Exploring Cajun Country: A Historic
Guide to Acadiana,” both from The History Press, and co-author of “Magic’s in
the Bag: Creating Spellbinding Gris Gris Bags and Sachets.” She teaches writing
at UL-Lafayette’s Continuing Education. Write her at
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