New releases
Preston Lauterbach discusses the Chitlin’ Circuit, an
underground circuit of Southern musical clubs frequented by African American
musicians, in “The Chitlin’ Circuit: And the Road to Rock ’n’ Roll.” Preston
looks at musicians James Brown, B.B. King, Little Richard and Clarence
“Gatemouth” Brown, as well as Chicago Defender columnist Walter Barnes and
gambler Denver Ferguson.
Tom Piazza of New Orleans collects writings on American roots music, New Orleans, desperate times and more in “Devil Sent the Rain: Music and Writing in Desperate America.” Piazza is the author of “City of Refuge” and “Why New Orleans Matters.”
Todd-Michael St. Pierre has created
a fun-loving, big-boned feline who loves to dance and enjoy life in New
Orleans, but who longs for a mate in “Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras: La Chatte Noire”
by Piggy Press. This adorable book has Chatte Noire going out on dates to
places such as Cat O’Brien’s and St Louis CAThedral but no one stirs her fancy
until she hears the sounds of Max playing "killer sax."
Illustrated by Diane Millsap, the book is published in English and in French.
The Images of America series of
Arcadia Publishing has released “K&B Drugs Stores” by John S. Epstein, with
a foreword by Sydney J. Besthoff III, grandson of the founder with Gustave Katz
of the Katz and Besthoff drugstore chain. The book showcases wonderful old
photos of the 50 New Orleans stores, plus the others located throughout six
states during the business’s 92-year span. The book also contains photos of old
advertisements, fountain menus, K&B products (with their trademark purple)
and even K&B LSU football schedules. For anyone who fondly remembers eating
K&B ice cream at their counters, the purple paper bags or the “double
checked” prescriptions, they will love this trip down memory lane.
100 Thousand Poets
On Sept. 24, several Louisiana poets will be part of the 100
Thousand Poets for Change, the largest poetry event in history involving more
than 500 events in 350-plus cities in 80 countries. In Louisiana, two
events will occur in New Orleans and one in Lafayette. Numerous poetry–related
events will happen at the Acadiana Center for the Arts in downtown Lafayette,
with the $6 admission being donated to non-profit organizations. Poets from
Shreveport, Lake Charles, Baton Rouge and throughout Acadiana are scheduled to
participate, and the ULL poetry group will perform a series of open-space
musical and literary skits. During the intermission, Webcasts of other
100 Thousand Poets for Change events will run in the AcA's James Devin Moncus
Theatre. The Lafayette event will be webcast and recorded and archived by
UC Stanford’s LOCKSS program. For more information, visit www.bigbridge.org/100thousandpoetsforchange.
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