Book launches
new books are out this week with events to celebrate their launches.
Nolan signs copies of his delightful new short story collection “You Don’t Know
Me: New and Selected Stories” (UL Press) at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 2, at Garden District
Book Shop in New Orleans. Alexander McCall Smith, author of the “No. 1 Ladies’
Detective Agency” novels, calls the book, “One of the most vivid pieces of
writing I have come across for some time…it leapt from the page.” I couldn’t
agree more.
Andi Eaton chronicles 300 years of New Orleans fashion in “New Orleans Style”
and will sign copies (as well as meet and greet with specialty cocktails) from
5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 1, at the book launch at Bellocq lounge in the Hotel
Modern, 936 St. Charles Ave. in New Orleans.
New releases
Gibson of Sulphur has transformed a classic trickster tale in the fun new
children’s story “Cajun ‘Ti Beau and the Cocodries,” published by Pelican
Publishing. A young boy leaves home with a new set of clothes and a parasol but
must hand them over to appease a group of hungry alligators. Soon the gators
fight over the new prizes and spin themselves into a puddle of roux. The book,
illustrated by Colleen D’Antoni, incorporates many French names and expressions
and includes a glossary in the back.
Bayou Writers’ Group of Lake Charles will release its first anthology of poetry
and prose titled “Journeys” on Saturday in both paperback and ebook formats.
For more information, visit http://bayouwritersgroup.com.
A. Stevens is a former Lafayette resident and Advertiser editor and I mentioned
his self-published book about the fabled Clinchfield No. 1 steam engine in
previous columns. He’s since published the book with the History Press, titled
“The Clinchfield No. 1: Tennessee’s Legendary Steam Engine,” along with author A.J.
“Alf” Peoples. The book features nearly 80 vintage photographs, many never
before seen by the general public, along with decades of media coverage. “The
No. 1 had it all — intrigue, rebirth and revival mixed with sadness, anger and
celebration,” Stevens wrote me by email.
Letters contest
22nd annual Letters About Literature contest, a national reading and writing
competition for students sponsored by the Center for the Book in the Library of
Congress in association with its affiliate state centers, is now accepting
entries. Fourth through 12th grade students write personal letters to living or
dead authors from any genre explaining how what the students read changed their
views of the world or themselves. Students may enter on their own or through
their schools or local libraries in three levels: grades 4–6, grades 7-8 and
grades 9–12. There
will be 50 entries in each level from each state. Louisiana’s first place
winners’ entries will be submitted to the Library of Congress for the national
competition with the chance of winning up to $1,000. State winners will be
recognized at next year’s Louisiana Book Festival. The
student’s letter and entry coupon, available online, must be sent to Letters
About Literature, P.O. Box 5308, Woodbridge, VA 22194. The postmark deadline
for Level 3 is Dec. 15; for Levels 1 and 2, the deadline is Jan. 15, 2015. The
entry forms and information may be downloaded at www.read.gov/letters.
Book events
LSU-Eunice Performing Arts Series presents former Louisiana Poet Laureate
Darrell Bourque at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 30, in the auditorium of the Health Technology
building. Bourque will read from his latest book, “if you abandon me,
comment je vas faire,” in which he explores the life of early 20th century
Creole musician Amédé Ardoin. The presentation is free and open to the
public and books will be on sale for $10 with all proceeds benefitting the
foundation to erect a statue in honor of Ardoin.
film series honoring Ernest Gaines begins at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the South Regional
Library; this week’s film is “A Gathering of Old Men.” The Ernest J. Gaines
Center at UL Lafayette also has events planned throughout October; visit ernestgaines.louisiana.edu
or facebook.com/ErnestGainesCenter.
Wohl signs copies of her new cookbook, “New Orleans Classic Creole Recipes”
from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4, at Garden District Book Shop in New Orleans.
Cheré Coen is the author of “Forest Hill, Louisiana: A Bloom Town History,” “Haunted Lafayette, Louisiana” and “Exploring Cajun Country: A Historic Guide to Acadiana” and co-author of “Magic’s in the Bag: Creating Spellbinding Gris Gris Bags and Sachets.” Write her at cherecoen@gmail.com.